Remember when having a blog was all the rage? Everyone was saying ; hey, did you read my latest blog post? What did you think? Hey did you see the awards my posts have been getting? What is a blog? Etc.
Well I at one time was so caught up in the blogging, I posted daily, then every couple of days, then once a week.... To now, Nothing in at least 3 years!
Well I'm starting to think about my blog again and how posting my words helped me to laugh and live with one word at a time. I was thinking of my hobbies and how much they have or have NOT consumed me over the past years, they really have been far and few in between. Well, that is until lately! I've discovered my inner child, my artist within. It's all about coloring now, YES! Adult coloring book are the rage now and boy are they calming and soothing the nation. It all started for me when I saw a Face Book Group for coloring. It peaked my interest and once I went in to Amazon and saw what once was a tiny little amount of book sources to now, thousands of books, pens, pencils, paper, ink. YOU want it, you CAN find it!
Adult coloring is taking over the map with people doing it for all sorts of reason, many of them health related. Stress these days from everything to nothing. Well some doctors are prescribing coloring to relieve the stress! What a novel way to approach the pressures of life.
I am hooked though and see no end to what I can achieve coloring!
As a matter of fact I won a cover contest for a coloring book for adults.
Sugar Skulls by Dawn D. Boyer....
My entry won the cover for a double sided book, which will be sold worldwide!
So excited! Just think when I was a little girl watching the snobby kid get praise for her perfect coloring, one day me and my squiggly lines would be a winner for coloring!!
Sugar to you all!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Thursday, May 05, 2011
WOW- Life is well, life
Time flies and memories fade when you close certain doors... That's what has happened since I stopped Blogging.
I've lost a Dad- January 21,2010
a Mom April 10, 2011
Since being here last. I have another Grand Daughter, Helena Kaylyn- June 30 2010....
I am still me-
thinking and trying to figure out what really happens in life that makes it that really cool journey that some feel they have lived right.
I still have yet to conquer the smoking habit that I so hate to have.
I have had children move in and out since I was here last and let me tell you the moving out is just as hard as the moving in is!
I DO miss each of you, my faithful readers, my friends, my confidants! I hope to really get with it this year and do something great!
Lets hope I can build up the pure courage to follow through....
As usual = Lemme pour some sugar on you!
Sweetly Said By
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Poured Some Sugar On Me...
Labels: its a new day
Saturday, January 09, 2010
It's a great day....
And a brand new year at that...
Late but, Happy New year!
~Sugar to each of you~
Sweetly Said By
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Poured Some Sugar On Me...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I had a request....
Jackie, you know- Shinade... Well she asked me to start blogging again and I wish I could promise that I would, it's just -well Life gets in my way. I could use this blog as my canvas and with my life stories I could paint a real picture, you see my life is just so over whelming right now... I am leaving soon, as in this weekend, to go to my home town to see my family, by the time I get there it's very possible the only Brother in Law I have that I actually like, will be dead. You see he has Lung Cancer - has for the past 4 1/2 years. He's a real fighter that one. I don't know why God has kept him around so long except to do something he had not done yet, or perhaps to learn a lesson he needed to learn, Maybe even to teach us others a lesson, but none the less he is now fading fast and time is short.....
He's one of the reasons I love Credence clear water revival... My Sister him and me used to listen to that and dance and sing all the time... some of my fondest memories are of times with them.....
Jerae this is for you, my friend.......
And again.....
God be with you my friend, I know you are headed for a better day and a better place and until we meet again I'll keep singing and thinking of better days.... love you.
Sugar my Sugars.....
Sweetly Said By
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Poured Some Sugar On Me...
Labels: credence clearwater revival, Jerae
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
You get a line and I'll get a pole and we'll go down to the fishin hole Honey!
I swear the east coast of Florida has the BEST sunrise any where is the world. Yes I am partial and yes I know it, but hey: when you've got it flaunt it!
Just when I think this Blogging is easy my computer makes it hard again! I have been trying to edit this for a few days now to get it ready and I just keep having wardrobe malfunctions!
So on to the beauty of the day.....

Olga and I decided to get up really early one morning and go with Georg fishing... Well it was early for Olga, for me; I get up before the roosters crow so I have seen plenty of sunrises....

Sweetly Said By
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Poured Some Sugar On Me...
Labels: florida, Olga that fun filled BRAwd
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I added this as my status on face book the other day. I don't know why, it's just sometimes I feel like throwing my hands in the airs and saying"Sometimes!" Have you ever felt that way?
SO on to OLGA!Olga notices the most artsy fartsy stuff I have..
Olga is being such a good companion! Not getting into too much trouble, being ever so helpful to the ailing me.... Now if we could get my Son to watch his pea's and cue's :-D
So we get ready to leave my house and Olga is yelling let me out of here (she sleeps in a cute little travel purse) I wanna feel the air in my lace! So I said to her, fine but you will have to ride in Bella's car seat because, well there was no real reason, I just wanted her to be safe!
She of course said "NO way" so we had to work something else out..... This BRAwd is a DIVA, let me tell you!!!
So after much fuss and totally making a scene *rolling eyes here* Olga and I headed out to Daytona to do a few errands and low and behold we ended up at the Daytona speedway. Although we didn't see a race, (we were a few weeks late for that) we did have some racy fun in the parking lot!
I tried to get so many people to take a picture with this bodacious BRAwd, but you know people, they're so suspicious! I did hand out Olga's calling cards and people giggled at them. No one threw them on the ground I noticed as I walked back to my truck, hey that's a plus because if they had of we might be doing this at the jail as inmates for littering LOL. So although we didn't ever manage to get inside the tunnel to turn 4 we had a pretty bra dropping time!
I'm sure Olga's blog mistress will be happy to hear about this fun time had by all!
Next up: Here's a hint: you get a line and I'll get a pole honey.....
Well..... wait and see, but you will notice I am quite the Photographer * patting myself on the shoulder* of course it could be that the east coast of Florida is the most BEAUTIFUL place in the world.... Sugar has the BEST Husband in the world... This was delivered to me and was a total surprise from my husband of 20 years!
the track from outside
Us in front of the entrance to the 500 experience
Her and I sitting by the Dale Earnhardt winning statue
Olga on the Dale Earnhardt plaque.
Olga makes me smile LOL just holding her up people would stop and watch....
Sugar Mah Sugars!!!
Sweetly Said By
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Poured Some Sugar On Me...
Monday, July 13, 2009
OMG! It's............
OLGA!!!! yep that lacy black BRAwd is here and she's all up in my face with fun! She has a thing for nipples (like we didn't already know that-right) If you wanna read all about her adventures here in Sugar-land read her blog here..... Olga The Traveling Bra.... I promise you will enjoy her adventure here...OK so back to adventuring Olga style!
Look my loving readers, (if there still are any readers) I know I have let this poor Sugar Shack run down, I'm sorry! My health has really went south this year and I had hoped things would get better and I would start blogging about it, but then I thought : I am not going to turn this sweet place into a boo hoo pit so when I feel good and I'm up to it I WILL write!
As for right now if you want follow me on face book- look for Judy Bromer!
Sugar Sugars!
Sweetly Said By
Monday, July 13, 2009
Poured Some Sugar On Me...