Some people just have it......
First picture is William and his Girl Allison.....
Some people have the biggest personality all wrapped up in one neat little package. My Youngest Child is like that. He's himself and he really doesn't care what others say, For graduation he wore a tie with flames on it and a pair of my socks, the socks had little frogs on them and they were pink and purple. He has always been this way, unafraid to be himself, to express himself without the fear of what might have been said about him. I so admire this quality in him, I have tried to instill into all of my Children but I think in Williams case he really understands....... Today is Happy Hump Day and I would like to take this time to show you some pictures of my Son being himself...... William is the Baby of the Family, but don't let his youth fool you. He has lived a life time at his young age!
Please Play the video while you take a look at my funny little man....
My Princess ER Prince!^ or the Fairy Prince of Rock Stars.... Trust me He's 100% straight and has this sweety for a girl friend.....Allison^ She rocks my Son's world and They are inseparable most days.... Plus an added bonus for me here, If and when they decide to get married, I already love her so I won't be sticking my motherly nose in anywhere.....*blink blink*
Label this : The 3 musketeers or the 3 pot heads, you decide.... LOL
Best Friends.... ^
A little boy and his Chicken(Easter) egg^
Hmmmm which came first the Egg or the Chicken ! LOL ^ Or you could also call the "Come on, Do the funky chicken with me"
Whats up Dog....^
Will Proving to us he Actually DOES work at his job.Look I'm dirty!^
^Put ya grillz in ,Yo
^My cute little kilt boy
^ picture above after seeing Gwar in concert Graduation^ Of course I'm the mushy one and they are like "Rock on Dude"
If I could tell anyone what I think is the secret to happiness I think I would say: Always be yourself, Never be afraid of what others may say and never, never stop having fun......
i love that!!!.....wtg!! for him!! i am with him!!....nice!!
Isn't it great Darlene, Some people live a life time and never are able to just be them selves! I love that Will is able to just be himself!
Well that was just toooo precious...and you picked just the right tune....loved it!! I bet he's a hoot to be around....hugs,Jackie
I love my baby brother!!!
This post made my day Mom I was having a bad one, until I came here and looked!
yes you are right!!....something to be proud of for sure!!....
Oh wow, does he ever look like a lot of fun! That's awesome, and of course I played the video like you said, perfect for his pictures! Great post!
Shinade, He's a pip!
You have a funny Little Brother as if you didn't know, right!
Darlene, I'm proud! You rarely find a person so happy to be his self than William!
Christy,The video just seemed to fit. I should be some kind of Dj or something LOL LOL LOL....
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