Pwease forgive me!
I'm human! I am tired pretty much all the time now. They have doubled my hours at work and it's taking all I have to keep up the pace. Besides that my right leg hurts all the time , so much, that at times, I would gladly numb it and never have to feel it again(of course I exaggerate! I would not wish that on anyone) I'm in constant pain,coupled with that I just drag these days..... I find it overwhelming to try and be witty and funny when I feel so beastly most days..... LOL
I did have a great thing happen today though, My beautiful Daughter, Jessica, spent the day with me and of course that meant the other beautiful girl in my life was brought along, That would be Miss Bella Kay, She is the light of my eye and the warmth of my heart.....(I do have a third Beauty, but she lives further away and doesn't get to visit as much as I wish she could)
I am so lucky to have what I have and I am thankful, I just like to bitch sometimes! I would like to ask all of you to always be thankful for what you have, It could all be lost at a moments notice and you could be left with only memories.... Memories-they are important to make, important to imprint them in the mind,important to keep them in your heart and important to love them.....
To all I bid you peace!
how wonderful you could spend the day with them
Beautiful...just simply lovely...I am so pleased for you....she's absolutely lovely!!~Hugs~Jackie
Darlene, I was very happy indeed!
Shinade, Thank you, We think so also.....
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