The Boy that lives in the spare room.....
Will, The Boy that lives in the spare room....
There's this Boy that lives with us* well really, I gave birth to him 17.5 years ago * Anyways , He sometimes drives me to wonder what the hell was wrong with me to think that having 4 Children wasn't enough, NO , I had to have just one more before the ole Hooha was shut down, as far as baby making goes. He gives me lip every minute hes awake, unless he of course wants something. This morning we , His Dad and I , were having a discussion and all of a sudden he wants to listen to the news ,(WTH! as far as I knew , he didn't even know that the television was used for more than video games and music videos) So his face turns red and he is spewing nasty loud words at us like , *I WAS trying to listen to this *just wait until the next thing YOU want to watch comes on * This is why I don't try and watch the television while you two are out of your cages*parents suck* Well he didn't say ALL of that, but by this time I , having gotten out of bed at 6 AM , completely out of any normal action for me (the older I get for some damn reason I cant go to sleep until at least 1 AM )was totally pissed off and me in my usual way couldn't think of a good comeback so I blurted out "Get a set of nuts and shut the ---- up" Well you would have though that I had ripped that damn chin earring thing off of him.... He turned red and started telling me, that I was a nut . Like I didn't know this already!, kids do that to you , ya know ! and that I should go back to wince I came from , meaning the bed....
His dad was next on his S list and he started in on him , Well here I will say this my sweet Georg isn't a slow thinker like me and he never forgets a quick comeback so he said : HA! you can stay home I'm not putting up with this (like I wanted to for the day), you see the way he talks to me ? He forgets who pays the bills around here ! If you were back in my day you would have to put up with more than you do now , youth of today , they don't know how good they have it , can't say a word to them , the wimps~~~ so on and so on ~~~ Well I agree with him because I happen to share that same view.
So my husband says I'm going to work *lots of cursing here*and he's out the door, Looking at me saying to me as he's walking by : You know he was fine until you got up, Now he didn't say this in a blaming way it was just a statement but I just have such a headache and this little brat lives here for free , I know hes only 17.5 but he works full time and makes damn good money, his Friends are always here , they drink MY Coke and my Coffee and they watch my Televisions and eat almost every time they come here , He and his useless stuff invade the spare room , the spare bathroom , my bedroom (the computer is in my BR) the kitchen with the 20 or so cups his butt drags out of his motel room, he packs my washer so full of laundry I could live a month on what he washes in one load, He then leaves it in the washer for a couple days , wet and stinky, he then has to wash it at least 2 more times because he forgets it over and over~~~
The three amigos
MY God, I could go on and on ......
Now I know some may say, You raised him that way and to them I will say this, shove off buddy. He's the baby of the family and we fell for that cherub face he once had ! Besides that he's almost 18 and he is now responsible for his own ways , He has always been much more advanced for his years , I feel he is up for the job. My God this kid slept on our bedroom floor with a blanket until 12 , He's the sole reason our sex life died , well his and the Dachshunds (that's another story).... He was always scared of the dark or scared to be left alone , whatever the excuse was we, as the sweet loving parents fell for it ! It doesn't matter, its high time he grew up and felt the pains of adult hood, I say .
Anyways He has it made , I have a sign out front that says : Will pay someone good money to rid my home of the little pest that lives in the spare room..... Just Kidding, I wish I did...But:
My hair is falling out and I smoke 2 cigarettes at a time and drink copious amounts of coffee just to handle this brat!

Me , Will and Dad after Graduation
Now for more serious words.... I love him , He graduated High School with straight A's for the last 9 weeks of School , he isn't running the streets , The girls love him and their mothers too,I love him, he works his ass of at a very hard job, Hes going to College next year, and did I say I love him......
He's the only Son I have left * My first Son passed away at 2 months from SIDS and then in 2004 I lost my oldest living Son in a car accident* That alone must be hard for him.
Georg and I have really just worried about this until we had to give up worrying about it , there are allot of times that we have watched his every move , trying to make sure he is alive and well.
Trust me at some point you have to let your guards down and just breathe. So I guess all this ranting and raving is for nothing because in the end I'll just be happy that I have the boy that lives in the spare room!
Judy, sounds like he has a case of being a teenager. LOL.
I can so definitely relate to everything you wrote. Any mom of a teen will know you love him and know right away that your rant was no different than what every one of us has thought at one point or another. That's why they joke about teenagers being the best birth control out there.
Someday, he'll tell *you* what an ass he was. I know mine will too. I can't wait for that day. In the meanwhile I've taken to telling them they can co-operate with me or suck rocks because I've decided that I want to have a life *before* I'm so old it's time to die.
That and knowing how to instantly embarass the teen (mine's a girl) is how I clear the room when I decide it's time for that. Rotflmao
It's funny he keeps telling me he's gonna leave and I say this : don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya : oh well I guess teens know more than us anyway LOL And if I didn't have this damn heart I would have already kicked his butt out LOL
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