What I think may not be what I thought.....
It had been brought to my attention that I had a bush growing on my upper eye area.....
Yes, a bush...
What to do I asked myself, knowing full well the answer was a painful experience, involving a small Asian woman and a lot of sticky hot stuff.....
Yes I had a Una brow.... Sad to think of, I know, but still, truth... There is only one conclusion to this situation and it had been one I put off like the plague......
So the solution to this problem was simple, go down to the little nail, tan, spa, hair cutters shack and get the dirty job done. I felt like that guy who goes and does all the dirty jobs, why he would want to do them is beyond me, but still he seems to find joy in his tasks, where I find fear and dread, he finds joy and excitement.
I would never really have felt the urge to get this task done if not for the words of my Dear, Sweet Husband who ALWAYS has my back *blink blink* Right, so anyway I mentioned this wax job to my co-worker (God tie her down and lets smell some sizzle love her and to her I say: stick it Thanks for thinking of me!
I was cutting some Roast Beef for a customer, when this Asian man comes up to the counter and Jo-Ann says "Oh Judy theres someone here to see you" I say "hold on".....
OK, so I walk over and say "Hello", this dude looks at me , I guess sizing up the brow job and looking at Jo-Ann and says "hmmmm I can do it for 8 dalla" He also says this time to me "see you at 2ish" Jo-Ann then says to me " OK you're all set up so don't miss your eye appointment!
By this time the little man comes back and says Jo-Ann, "I been sinking, she need uppah lip too, that be 5 dalla moor" Jo-Ann says Alrighty its 13 dollars together, he says yes "tirteen dalla" I see you and he looks at me....... I was secretly and very vividly thinking "PLEASE! don't ask about my under arms and ye ol hoo hoo, I think I would have ran off in terror if he had even approached the thought!"
OK, so now, not only am I gonna reap the pain in the eye, but I'm gonna also get the upper lip horror feeling. I don't know if any of you have had wax put on virgin skin and ripped off to the last layer of skin you have left on your face, but this is NOT a warm and fuzzy feeling! It hurts and when your done you look like you have botox done in all the WRONG places!This is me 2 hours after I had it done, my eye brows have been done before so they look almost normal, BUT my upper lip, It looks like someone kicked me in my mouth!
This is 7 hours after I had it done.... I still look puffy but OK~~
So now I'm all better but I swear if I see a little Asian woman and a jar of wax I may go off the deep end!
I ask myself why women go to such great measures to please men, I mean, I don't see them getting a wax job on their hairy a$$es or a tummy tuck to rid the wife of having to look at a beer gut! Why do we do this..... Hmmmm could it possibly be for other women?????? NO, NOT in a gay way but because we want to look better than the next broad ...... maybe thats it.... Well for some I'm sure it is, For me it was having the old man say: " My God , you have a Una brow" How dare he, I never said look at the big schnoz you have or ....... Well I did say he has no upper lip and of course I was telling the truth , He doesn't, hes German and his upper lip is small......
But still, we women are vain, aren't we!
We are, but I will NEVER get my upper lip waxed. No way!
Ow. That's all I can say. EIIYYAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!
I do the eye brows, tried a bikini once...only once never again.
Not A Grampy did let me wax a very small portion of his chest one day, just so he could see what it felt like. (yes, he had been drinking). He is now completely sympathetic and supportive when I need to have something done!
Thank you all for the comments.... I have even done my under arms but I had just shaved so I didn't do that this time.....
Momma you look beautiful!
I need to get mine done too... Haven't had them done in a while...lol...I have done the eye brows 3 times and the upper lip 2 times...didn't hurt the first time for the lip but it did the second time..
I love you!
Judy, the eyebrows look GREAT! I get mine done every 4-6 weeks to keep them looking nice. It really isn't so bad when you get them done on a regular basis. I don't do mine for anyone but myself. I just really love the way they look after a fresh wax. Without the wax, I'd have a unibrow too!
Erin, Thank You Honey, You are always beautiful to me! I love you too.
Tish, Thanks You sweet person you!
I hope you're having the best days everyday!
Hugs and Love,
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