Saturday, October 13, 2007

May I have your attention please......

October is National SID'S awareness Month.... Will you please Educate yourself.
Will you share the word.
Will you pray for our losses.
Will you care......
Go here or here and check it out!
Here is a poem that was sent to me this morning, by my Dear, but new, Golden friend, Debey

~~My Mom is a Survivor~~
My mom is a survivor,
or so I've heard it said.
But I can hear her crying
when all others are in bed.
I watch her lay awake at night.
and go to hold her hand.
She doesn't know I'm with her
to help her understand.
But like the sands upon a beach
that never wash away...
I watch over my surviving mom
who thinks of me each day.
She wears a smile for others,
a smile of disguise.
But through Heaven's open door,
I see tears flowing from her eyes.
My mom tries to cope with my death,
to keep my memory alive.
But anyone who knows her
knows it's her way to survive.
As I watch over my surviving mom
through Heaven's open door...
I try to tell her that
Angels protect me forevermore.
I know that doesn't help her,
or ease the burdens she bears.
So if you get a chance,
call to her
And show her that you care.
For no matter what she feels,
my surviving mom has a broken heart
that time won't ever heal.
~K. D'Ormeaux



EllorionsAngel said...

I Love you Mommy!

That was a Beautiful Poem! Made me Cry.

I think about Binky often what it would of been like to have another older brother. It would have been nice.=D God has him by his side and he watches over us now with Bryan. I feel joy when I think of that. To know that someday we will all be together again.

I love you!

To your new found friends. I am sorry for your losses I can't say I know how you feel about losing a child/children, but I can say I know what it is like to lose siblings, It is the hardest thing in the world to cope with.
I wish you love and happiness for all the days to come.
Hugs From Sugar Queens Jr. =D

debey said...

my friend,
I wish you peace, also.
i'm not sure how links will work, in comment sections.........

John C said...

My cousin was taken early due to SIDS, years before I became a father myself. It was something that haunted me in my youth in how to 'be' for my Aunt, that was a sister to me while growing well as a reason for checking in to hear my children's breathing still at nights.

Sugarqueensdream said...

Erin, We will never know but I always like to think he would have looked very similar to Bryan.... Another of my Angels....
Love ya, MoM

Sugarqueensdream said...

Debey, Thank you for your ever kind thoughts and words...
I adore you already...
Hugs, Judy

Sugarqueensdream said...

John C. I hope you never have to face that kind of loss...
Hugs my dear friend, Sug.