He's back! and a Birthday-late
This is my Baby, He's cute and he's a brat,well sometimes......
The Kid(Boy-spare room-evil child) came home yesterday while we were at a Family Function.
He's somber and still willing to be part of the family~~ woo hoo ( sarcastic)
Yesterday was spent at Georg's Parents, His Father is a Halloween baby, so we celebrated his Birthday late....He is like me , not willing most days to share his outer beauty~~
We did get him to come out of his shell for cake....(this is a Pumpkin roll for those who don't know)
Well Cream Cheese frosting first, he is one person that if it's sugar, its for him!
Then Miss Bella had to have a Lolli, She loves them and its just too cute to watch her go to town on food now days, Grampa thinks she can eat anything she pleases, or every thing he eats....The picture up there is chocolate chip cookie!
The things I saw yesterday that made my day was this:
So I guess it's true we can't pick our Family , we just have to love and let love, life is short.
You all have a grand day!
what a gorgeous baby
Birthday wishes from me!!....ah Sweet Bella is a darling...
Awwwwww...this is absolutley the sweetest thing I have seen all day. These are great pictures. Thanks for brightening my night up with this little angel!!
Aww what a cutie that little girl is. She reminds me of my daughter Alia. :)
Hmmm. If I didn't luv ya, I'd tell ya I'm gonna steal all the pumpkin roll that's left...the Lolli...and hide for 18 years.
I'd then come out of hiding and ask Miss Bella for a date at Krystals, when they run the manager special.
::runs and hides::
...I'd ask for two straws too, when ordering cheap on just one drink, and make her get refills!
::covers himself with rocks, dirt, and anything else to prevent the onslaught::
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