Monday, August 18, 2008

hangin in there....

I'm hangin in there, doing all the things I'm s'pose to do, I think!
I go Wednesday for a treatment for the hyperthyroidism, yay.
My sugar isn't under control so piss off...
Of course there is Fay out there threatening to pound down on us but I don't care, I'm made of steel. maybe.....
Bella is beautiful and I dare anyone to say otherwise....
Here's a song, try and remember it's me, and I like just about all music.. If your ears are weak don't listen!

I went and seen these guys live and I dug it!
I don't know about the rest of my life right now, sometimes it's good and sometimes it's hell....
until we meet again...


Daddy Papersurfer said...

Hope you are having a good day Sugar *hugs*

Pauline said...

Hey you...ltns..
omg are you serious about that music???/ what are you thinking????? this time we stay in touch girl!!hugs wattie