Saturday, June 09, 2007

Blackberries.... in Florida?????

It started last year, I noticed these pretty flowers growing at the back of our yard. I investigated like I like to do and......................... They were very familiar to me , I had seen this before , We after all, used to live in a rural part of South East Tennessee, They are Black Berries ! Yep!

well last year I got a one gallon bag of the rare in Florida beauties....

This year its a bumper crop because of some snooping around .....

DH (Georg) and I have been par-taking of a nightly stroll and we stumbled onto a huge patch of them. Meaning a road at the end of our road has a stretch of them and are they huge ! (Well in Florida standards of course)

Here is a little info on
wild Florida Berries and another
While I thought it was way too hot in Florida to grow these beauties , It seems its NOT!
They are growing like wild fire(it isnt funny in some ways because the
wild fires are so bad this year. ) but I just use this term because they are really yielding me huge quantities this year......
But I must say this here as much as I hate to .... My Wild Blackberries are in danger , Since Florida has so many wild fires the City Council here in Palm Coast has decided we need to chop our under brush back , you know cut down every living thing so that no way possible a fire could start. The problem I have with this , of course is partly my Berries but also the actual wild life that lives in the brush, I feel that soon there will be no where for them to go and they will die out. This place will be full of nice houses , no trees,bunnies,deer,butterflies,flowers....... Nothing Just very over rated nothing......

I do some of the picking myself but most of the time ....... My sweet Hubby does most of the in dept fishing for the berries which includes snagging thorns with his flesh , LOL.... I should say that he is wonderful about doing it , But maybe this is because I have promised him Jam from these beauties........ Or maybe its because he loves me so much and knows what a kook I am about things that I want and will go to the most extreme measures to get what I want ......
I just want to say this if you have a chance , go out and explore your wild life , see what breath taking pictures you can find , find your wild {berries} , or maybe just take a walk....
until next time let them eat ........berries LOL

1 comment:

Sugarqueensdream said...
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