It's sooooo great to be moved !
OK, So I am done, I can't tell you how happy I am, to be able to say that.... I have discovered I have places that hurt on me that I didn't even know I had..... My poor legs are kaput! I really thought it would be my back and even though that does hurt, Its not what hurts most,which puzzles me. My legs, all of my legs , Well I know I have 2 but I mean both of my legs from top to bottom hurt ACHE!
I have never felt this intense pain in my legs before.
On Friday the 13TH., Georg came home from work early and announced: We are gonna do this TODAY and by tomorrow morning (meaning Saturday) we are gonna be moved into the new house. I really had no faith in his words because I felt we had way to much to do , But he was right, we were moved, the old house cleaned and sitting on our dead tired rear ends by 4PM Saturday.... Sometimes I forget what a wise ass person Georg really is. I would give him a hi five but I think my arm would fall off if I tried!
Seriously,Can I cut off my 2 Male Dachshunds heads nuts myself..... I mean they want 200.00 a piece here to fix them and I just don't have it. If they pee on one more thing I swear I will attempt it, Not really but it felt good saying it...
I had thought of breeding them for money at one time(that's why they still have their offending parts) but the thought left as soon as it came , what a pain in my ass side that would be, to have puppies, the thought scares me to death.... So as soon as I can, they get their "bong-bongs" cut off.....
Thank God for Bright House Cable Networks ! I have phone, cable and Road Runner Internet again and I'm in heaven! They set us up last night with all the bells and whistles. After waiting until Tuesday for my Road Runner, I hope I never have to go without again!
I love my new home, it's everything I thought it would be and more......
Living out of boxes is not a warm and fuzzy feeling. I still can't find the nails and hammer but have found every odd ball sock that I ever lost. I also discovered we have too many things so a yard sale is in our future.....
Georg raped the yard with "the Snap" Sunday, I know this sounds very violent, but if you saw the yard you would understand.... There are deep gouged tire prints and ruts in the front yard, I know that doesn't sound possible but it is, I could prove it if I could just find my camera.......
Georg has his own special way of saying "nice to meet you and I'm new in the neighborhood", He mowed a test swatch down the front yard, Well the side he started on, was our Neighbors side, The one strip has been mowed to the roots it looks pitiful.....(in his defense"the Snap" is a powerful piece of shit machinery and needs to be taken away from him as soon as possible is hard to control....)
Needless to say they have not brought the "welcome to our street" Casserole yet. The yard(s) will heal, but I swear someone needs to take the pull cord away from him and toot sweet!
He came home yesterday with that glazed "I need to mow"look again on his face , So I placed a drill and the few screws I could find, in his hand in an attempt to sway him away from re-mowing the yard....
I do have my kitchen arranged so I can cook , I wish I had of re-thought that so we could have enjoyed takeout a bit longer...... I mean come on, my feet and back hurt and I'm to lazy tired to cook and besides its to much of an effort to thaw anything out so late when they get home.... I'm such a great cook my Husband often tells people that I will cook for them, last night while the Cable Guys were here (it was after 7:30) I hear him saying : "hey, since you came in the rain and worked so late why don't you stay for Supper, I'm sure the old lady made plenty"............ I felt my face turning green and purple when I heard the man say "It's OK Sir, We have wives, If we eat here, our Wives will kill us, But it sure does smell great. Then all 3 of then(being men of course) started laughing in agreement.... MEN!
My wonderful Daughter got a job, so while we are still living out of boxes, I now baby sit every day from 10-4. If I ever open my mouth for any reason again other than to eat or say no, Shoot me, K?
Well I am still alive, I have all my digits and nothing is broke so I guess all in all every thing's peachy*blink blink*
Ahhhhh, life after moving is grand.........
All best wishes for life in your new home - seems we moved house at the same time, SQD!
Kind Regards
hi, so glad you are all moved, now for the hard part of having to place everything.....good luck!!
hey Momma,
Glad to here you are moved! Not so good you have to watch Bella everyday but hey at least Jess got a job and I m sure she is happy now.
I started my own
Check it out and let me know what you think.
I love you and will be calling you soon.
Your Angel Eyes.
THJnr, You are so very sweet, Thank You, all the best to you also !
Darlene, Thats the worst part but I can do it ! Thanks....
Erin, My love... Lets talk about your Blog sometime I will help you get some things added to it. I have had such sweet people help me and also have a small but very nice following of people now I love them all....
You made it!!! Wonderful!
I once helped my best friend move in with me (many many years ago) and after the move, I noticed several bruises. It was awful. It looked like I got into a serious fist fight with my couch!
Oh, wait, I did!
Ok Momma,
I love you!
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