According to Tish, I'm a Blogging star.....
According to Tish, I'm a Blogging star.... I never thought I had star status, but heck, with the way some real stars act, maybe I do, Of course maybe she meant the shinny stars in the heavens......
The Blogger who is responsible for the blogging star is none other than Skittles.
If you haven't stopped by and had a sit down read- DO! She truly cracks me up at times but makes me feel good always about visiting her....
This is what she said about the award :
I've made up my own award called Blogging Star!
This award is for bloggers who shine their light throughout the Blogosphere. Some do it with humor, others with creativity, and others with their kind and thoughtful natures. We all know more than a few of them so why not give them some recognition?
Here's what to do if you receive this:
- Proudly display it on your blog along with a link to who gave it to you.
- Mention that it originated here at Skittles' Place so I can follow it's journey.
- Pass it on to any blogger(s) you think should have it.
In any case I am truly honored by this latest award from Tish and I couldn't be more thankful..
This is what Tish has to say about me:
Judy of Sugar Queen’s Dream - Judy is one of the most pleasant, upbeat people who has ever lived. She hops around the blogosphere shining her light with humor and compassion. I am happy to call her a friend.
Psst. I don't think Tish has been reading my whinny blog lately, LOL, But none the less, I trust her opinion more than mine at this point, so if she says I'm all that, well then, I guess I am!
Hugs Tish, for deeming me worthy of this and Hugs Skittles, for making a truly wonderful award!
I am to pass this down to people I think are blogging starts so here goes:
1.Homeless Family's Blog
What can I say about a Blogger that blogs for the good of others. He's one of the good ones....
John YOU rock!
2.Christy's Coffee Break
This is a dynamo packaged up nice and neat and just as bright as the north star!
3.Everyday Should be Christmas...
HA! Its Santa the giver of all good- Nuff said!!!!
4.The Painted Veil
Jackie has shown me that overcoming things in life doesn't have to wear you down and make you bitter, She's a true blogging star ......
These are my picks ... I now pass the star award to you all to spread along, All I ask is PLEASE award to people who are truly "Blogging Stars"......... Aren't we all !
Congratulations on winning this! Are you a lurker at my blog? LOL
Congrats Mom!
I am missing you guys more then ever this weekend, but we will be able to real soon get up there.
I have two new blogs up. =D
I...uh...I don't know what to say, J.
...can I cry on your shoulder virtually? Back patted? Burp and spew babyslobber all over your smock?
Thanks...I'll accept quietly...except for still frustrated about Brooke. ::sighs::
Ho! Ho! Ho! Judy
Thankyou so much for thw wonderful award. I will have to be very generous at Christmas this year because I have never recieved so many gifts myself. thankyou again
Santa ô¿ô
Skittles, I have commented a few times but yes I do tend to lurk a bit! I don't have the time I used to so I sneak in under the radar often! I also fuel your blog some here and there. So I guess if you wanna call me names , a lurker is it !!!
Little Queen, We miss you too honey but as you know paying your bills and living week to week is more important. I don't know how you have managed to take care of your personal finances as well as you do, Lord knows I didn't show you well enough,BUT the point is , YOU DO! so I'd feel bad if you guys were late on your rent to come up here and besides you are still gonna come up just later not sooner....
Love ya!
John C.
You may cry on my shoulder, give an hour long acceptance speech if you want, slobber, giggle, grin, I don't care just take the award! I really think you rock!
Now as far as Brooke goes....*sigh*
Repeat after me 20 times " I do not wish to have that hairy beast, I know she is bad for me" when you're done come see me I'll be thinking of whom you can have that has the correct amount of hair LOL LOL LOL
I do indeed, heart you virtually John C and maybe just a wee bit here on earth.... You make me laugh!
Santa, What can I say I love your ways! But I also think your one heck of a blogger and you are kind to boot!!!
I just want that one thing I asked for, you know,the wish I posted to you about my Grand Daughter Bella, thats it!
That is so incredibly nice of you to are such a blogging star! You deserve ten thousand of these awards! :)
::nods:: I sorry. I do that to women when I used to give my friend massages when she had migraines...poor thing...the endophoric releases gave her more action than her boyfriend did.
...besides, it MUST be Brooke. As long as the thing's unattainable, I'm perfectly safe. It's when I get what I want that gets me in trouble.
Christy, Thank you so much. I think you are so sweet and always say just the right thing to my ego!
Love you!
John C, Can you work on a leg that I feel like hacking off most of the time, LOL LOL...
Really If you want to dream about "hairy" I will concede! Everyone should have their dreams~~
I understand that last statement, I too have a flair for getting into trouble with what I can have,Thats how I landed this job from hell.... LOL LOL
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